Practice 5: Rewriting and proofreading

    Today we were asked to read two texts, then locate the errors and, finally, rewrite them. To do this, we had to follow two steps:

      1. Revising (big issues)
      2. Editing itself (small issues)

The right way to interview employees.
    Nowadays, the reputation of organizations is at risk when not doing a good job interviewing their employees. For instance, when an interview is not done by researchers, employees may fear telling the truth about their bosses or coworkers, so they just go with the answer they think their bosses want to hear. On the other hand, only when a researcher states what the true aim of the interview is and makes it clear to the employees that their identity is safe it is that they ensure the validity of the whole research. As a matter of fact, when doing anonymous interviews 98% of the employees say that they feel safer and can speak the truth. So, all in all, interviews must be done well.

Opportunities for non-European businesses in Europe
        Nowadays, many non-European businesses are aiming to enter single European markets as they see an unexploited potential there. There are three reasons for this interest: Firstly, the non-European organisations are keen on doing business in the European markets because it is one of the leading investment destination and the easiest place to set up and run a business; Secondly, the European market alone provides foreign investors with an internationally competitive tax environment. Lastly, and maybe the most important reason why, there are lots of rich people living on the continent, with more than 13000 millionaires, according to Credit Suisse. All in all, it has been proved that business in Europe is more than profitable for non-European business for the reasons given.


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