38. Volley in the beach
As I said in a previous post, sports are definitely not my thing but there is one sport in particular that brings me back to summer, that is volley. I can still remember those summer days where my friends and I would go to the sand, set up the volleyball field and play one match after another until it was dark; then we would go running to the sea and go for a swim with the last sun rays to get rid of the sand and the sweat.
I am not very good at volley but it hasn’t stopped me from playing it with my friends and having a great time rolling around the sand and laughing. I would recommend playing volley in the beach, not because I like the sport or because I think that it is easy to play -which it isn’t- but because you get unforgettable memories with the people you care about.
Related to suggested topic 4: Learning to play a sport.
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