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51. What if he had answered the letters

    I just have no words, I don't know what to say and I don't know how I allowed myself do that to you. I want you to know that I didn't know the effect I had on you, I didn't know that I meant that much to you. I am devastated, when I told you that I didn't like you that way, I didn't mean that I didn't like you at all, its just that it is very difficult for me to be affectionate, you should know that. I am sorry, I wish I could have said this to you earlier. I love you, but not the same way you love me, and that is fine. I love you stronger than any girlfriend I could ever have; because I could easily break up with her, but with you I couldn't, you are my best friend.     Probably I needed to hear that, so because he wasn't able  brave enough to say it to me, I did. Related to suggested topic 12: A big mistake you once made

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50. Another letter to him

49. Dear Evan Hansen

48. Ben Platt

47. Hamilton

Practice 17: Descriptive lead

46. Queen

45. Elton John

Practice 16: My first outline

44. Outlander

Practice 15: Death penalty outline

43. My relationship with food

42. My driving license

Practice 14: Edited version of an outline

41. My grandma's food

40. Capitalism and shopaholism

39. The evolution of technology

Practice 13: How to write strong thesis statements

38. Volley in the beach

37. What would happen if I left part III

36. American ways

35. How I almost chop off one finger

34. What would happen if I left part II

33. My special power

32. Why I love series

31. Why I love films

30. The Statue of Liberty

Practice 12: Problem-solution paragraphs: Bullying

29. About halloween

28. Keira Knightley

27. Cigarettes and life

26. What if I left?

Practice 11: Organizing contrast and comparison paragraphs